MCG R&D has started drug development Works by 2017 and keeps working in the R&D laboratory established within itself in 2020 equipped with latest technology devices and equipments.
MCG R&D’s primary focus is with scientific datas and developing technology, to meet the most up to date disease treatment solutions with the people. Because of that , our company is putting its efforts on the projects that are the treatments with minimal side effects and drugs that patients having difficulty on acquiring them.
The R&D department that works on Human medical products, medical devices, food supplement categories, is providing contribution to treatment of diseases in Türkiye and all around the World by working on drug development efforts especially on gastroenterology, ENT, oncology and rare diseases fields.
On this purpose, the works such as patent screening and evaluation, active ingredient characterization, pre formulation evaluation, formulation development, analytic method development, analytic method validation , stress and stability researchs being conducted by qualified pharmacists, chemists, chemistry engineersand biologists.